Just Listen*

My son's 5th grade class volunteers about once a month at an assisted living center near his school. Their mission: to listen. They spend about 45 minutes taking turns listening to elders in this community share some of their life experiences. It's a guided exercise broken down into short segments so they get to talk … Continue Reading

American Prayer

"The Fierce Urgency of Now"…MLK We Donated. We volunteered. We voted. If for some unknown and wild reason you have not voted….stop right this instant and get thyself to your polling place. Now. We. Wait… In the meantime, this a great video. Play it throughout the day to keep your spirits up.

Fishing With Mystery

Every so often I tune into Speaking of Faith on NPR which "draws out compelling & challenging voices of wisdom on the important subjects of the 21st century." It's NOT churchy or preachy but covers "religion, meaning, ethics and ideas," in an interesting and engaging way.  It comes on in my area on Sunday afternoons and I … Continue Reading

This Just In…

I had a completely different post planned for today – which can definitely wait. Last night, we in Northern Colorado, were witness to amazing cloud drama. Many days we get these spectacular cloud build-ups that dwarf our tiny world, take our breath away and humble us all at the same time. Last night’s was particularly … Continue Reading

Letting Go. Again.

My 15 year old daughter started driving about a month ago. Well, actually it was 3 weeks ago when she first went out around our neighborhood with her dad. On a recent weekend she did two 8 hour days of Master Drive – more later – and she is now basically street ready. The only … Continue Reading

Extraordinary Happiness

We had a freakishly warm day yesterday. I had the lovely opportunity to sit outside (yes outside at 8:00 a.m. in my pajamas) in my favorite outdoor spot. My husband took the kids to school (also somewhat unusual) and when I realized how incredibly nice it was outside, the sliding glass door flew open and … Continue Reading

How To Live With Our Brains

Ok, I had a completely different post ready for today. But this TED video came across my path this morning, completely unexpectedly and it’s so cool I just had to share it. If you don’t know about TED check it out here. You could spend hours watching amazing people talk about what they do. In … Continue Reading

Want peace? Send the artists.

I don’t know if any of you have been following the New York Philharmonic’s trip to North Korea, but I have been inspired by this little ray of peace and hope. Nay sayers (and there are plenty of them), see this only as a public relations ploy by North Korea’s President, Kim Jong Il. While … Continue Reading


Well gang, 1,2,3….here I go. Just like my son launching into the great blue below, I’m taking the leap into the world of blogging. Thanks for visiting. Come back often, I’ll share my life and what I’m working on. I’ll share my journeys with you and let you in on all (well most) of my … Continue Reading