
I am an explorer, journaler, painter, maker, teacher and workshop facilitator (Taos Studio Retreat, Taos, NM). I have been journaling, writing, collaging and painting in my studio and on the road for 23 years. I love to cook and eat (not in that order), travel and explore (always, anywhere), garden, museum hop, teach art (big and small humans) at Two Hands Paperie, and in my home studio. I scavenge and collect (think corvid librarian), am inspired by the intricacies and divine beauty of nature and am a lifelong learner and experimenter. I live in Boulder, Colorado with my husband – my grown, adventurous children visit often. In a former life I was Associate Publisher of a nationally circulated environmental magazine called Buzzworm. You can find my work on my website and in these publications:  1000 Artist Journal Pages by Dawn DeVries Sokol, Beaded Embellishment by Amy Clarke, 500 Beaded Objects by  Lark Books, and in issues of Studios Magazine, Beadwork Magazine and Cloth, Paper, Scissors Magazine and in The Brooklyn Art Library’s Sketchbook Project. You can read an interview about my creative process and teaching on the Two Hands Paperie blog, here.