That Long Ribbon Of Highway


Vacation planning…taking all the important stuff. Paint brushes, paint, scissors, found bottle caps…important stuff. I’ll be heading down that long ribbon of highway known as Interstate 25 towards New Mexico and Sas and Mabel’s.

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I’ll be sending out dispatches from The Land of Enchantment here and on Instagram…


…soaking up trumpets of summer a.k.a. Hollyhocks…


…enjoying the shady portals of the high desert…

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…capturing the moments…


…and taking in spacious reveries of the sage and Sangre De Christos vistas.

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This summer for me has been all about saying YES! to as many fun things as I can. And it works! Just that one simple thing has enriched summer. So simple. And obvious. Try it!

I’ve been very much enjoying Mary Ann Moss’s excellent online class, Sketchbookery and Danny Gregory’s Sketchbook Skool, although I won’t really be giving them my undivided attention until the ferris wheel of summer begins to wind down. I highly recommend them.

And I will leave you with this…it has nothing to do with art or road trips or really anything except that little thing called The World Cup…this cracked me up…Minions Forever!

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