Isabelle Farm Dinner


Just as the insane heat wave set in, and before the Flagstaff fire started, we had the great pleasure of attending a farm dinner out in the fields of eastern Boulder County. The night was hot, hot, hot at about 100 degrees, but the shade of the dinner tent kept the scorching heat off of us as we downed ice water and a chilled malbec rose.


The corn was just about knee high and the green rows so lovely…


…the eggplant looking a little parched, but cool and watered under the red sheeting. It's a very efficient watering system and keeps just the plants watered and not all the weeds that watering all the earth between the rows would attract. Being an organic farm, it's important that weeds NOT get a foot hold.


Farmer Jason gave us a little tour of his organic and sustainable farm and fields which provide a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), farm stand and produce to local restaurants, like Zolo's that hosted the farm dinner. 


Farming hours are long and the views spectacular! Fortunately July has brought much needed rain to his farm, water being one of his constant worries.


And so we gathered under the shady tent…


…to enjoy the fruits of the farm and the …


…chef's labors…


…starting with warm skillet bread and a tomato cucumber salsa. You can peruse the menu above for the rest of the fabulous dinner, but I was too busy savoring every bite to take more pics!


The eat local movement and farm dinners are growing in popularity all over the place – check your local scene to join in. It's a wonderful way to connect to your food community, experience directly where our food comes from and enjoy some really great food. As the sun set on Isabelle Farm…all of us were as content as this lovely canine mascot. Hope you are enjoying your summer too!! 

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