Outstanding In The Field Reloaded


On a late July evening we had the pleasure of attending this year's Outstanding In The Field dinner again at the Munson Farm in Boulder (see last year's blog entry, here). We'd had such a cool and rainy summer, we hoped that those dark clouds would just stay as cloud cover. Looking back at the mountains over one of their corn fields, we were already hungry for dinner.


As we walked down the dirt drive to the farm, we got to sneak a peek at our magnificent al fresco dining table. 


Bob Munson, Munson farm patriarch, and Outstanding founder Jim Denevan*, gave a short talk before we took a short tour the farm. 


The wonderful Betts and Scholl's wines were lined up and awaiting their pouring assignments.


The menu again this year was mind blowingly good. All the food came from Colorado and most of it was grown on the Munson farm or on the Cure farm down the road. I could have stopped with the antipasto and pasta!


The plates awaited us. And just as we grabbed one and headed for the tables, the clouds rolled in. 


We had just enough time for another glass of wine and our antipasto, before the skies opened up and we had to take cover in the big barn and watch the talented chef's from Frasca Food and Wine, prep our dinner.


The rain produced this amazing double rainbow that we could see from end to end – although my camera couldn't capture the whole thing. The rows of corn golden before the ephemeral rainbow bands. I can't think of too many things that say summer better than cornfields and rainbows. At least here on the high plains of Colorado.


This really was performance art…not according to plan. After the storm deluge, we slogged through the mud with our rainjackets. The beautiful white table cloths came off and we dined on folding tables. As dark descended.


Because of the rain delay, we were treated to a lovely mid-summer sunset..


…dark or not, mud and all, we enjoyed the summer evening dinner in the soggy cornfield. Feeling blessed and drenched, surrounded by new friends with dinner on it's way.

* I could do an entire (long) blog post on the very amazing artist, Jim Denevan. I found these two videos informative and inspiring. Have a look. 

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